Saturday, November 8, 2008


We are over at the in laws and Anjai decided to test out the Zoom! connection and i am amazed to report that connection is valid and has been consistent for the past 15 mins.. hehe bagus jua benda ani ahh.. hehehe Lets just hope they increase their coverage or else increase the strength of their coverage.. (inda pandai bersyukur eh!) hehe

We finally went out for the loong overdue shopping trip but sad to report that couldn't find a decent pair of pants or kains.. however a second trip is planned for next week with Miah and hopefully with her watchful eye i will be able to snag a kain or two.. with a E13' wedding coming up and also another cousin from the dad's side and also some friends, i will require decent clothes.. now we don't want to appear 'lusuh' or 'lahib' whilst preggies do we.. hehehe

The boys r watching footie on tv and i am bored.. Its pretty quiet here tonite with Anjai's sister back over at her in laws..  She is also expecting and due to give birth early January.. So by this time next year, the house will be filled with many cries.. hehehe

i better get off now and get back to pretending i am interested in footie.. hahahaha Much love! and Enjoy your weekend ppl! 

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