Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sympathy Pain?

I mentioned before about the tugging feeling on belly button.. Well last night felt my tummy tighten (around my belly button area). Ignored it at first but as the pain increases made a call over to E13, consulted my mum, my aunt and my grandmother.. 

E13 told me to go to hospital to have it checked out and when asked what tests they would do she said i would be placed under observation and hospitalised.  When asked my mum she came up with her normal response of 'Andangnya tu' but last night she added, 'baik tah be-urut arah makwa (my grandmother) mu' When i asked my aunty who happens to be a mid-wife said no urut2 and said 'andangnya tu' as baby is now growing and becoming more active. But she did ask my grandmother to bagi kunyit and also was asked to carry around 'limau kapas'..

Evaluating all options i decided to stay at home and stick with aunty's advise.. Although the thought of resting and not coming to work did appeal to me but staying overnight in the hospital did NOT! haha 

This afternoon Anjai called and told me that SIL was hospitalised. She is 7/8 months along and found some blood discharge in her urine.. Alhamdulilah she is ok now.. Below are some pics taken by Anjai during ur visit earlier this evening..

And her tag
MIL, SIL & Yours truly.. hehe
Was it Sympathy pain that i felt last night? Lets hope it is and nothing more complicated than that.. (nauzubillah) *Baby kiss Cousin*

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