Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 22

Moday is here and that means.. Baby turns a week older! hehe This is what will happen this week for baby.. oh and also another visit to the ante-natal clinic mid of this week.. hehe

I mentioned a couple of posts ago re ultrasound and we actually went to one at one of the private clinics and i the experience was.. PRICELESS! I received comments how it was a waste of money since the Government clinic does it for free but the point of the whole thing is to know that baby is Ok. Alhamdulilah, from that scan, Syukur alhamdulilah, no abnormality was spotted. With the private clinic they spend more time and showed us in more detail.. Oh and the highlight of the ultrasound was when we saw Baby's hand and we saw all five fingers.. Baby was moving its hand but we like to assume that it was waving to us.. *Mummy & Daddy waves back! hehe* kan nangis jua kami lah.. hahaha We also saw baby's ear (setampik ganya di tunjukkan nya, i think), nose, lips and eye.. hehehe If you are asking if we spot anything on the gender side, the answer is no.. Baby was very shy.. didn't even show us his feet! hehe Will post up pics soon hehe

oh and sorry for the Durian posts.. haha i am afraid u might have to still out up with me on the matter.. until i get to eat it anyways.. hehehe

Edited: Oh seeing as we are halfway there, i have posted a list of things we need to buy for Baby.. Please feel free to highlight if i have missed anything..

TC - i do not feel like procuring the services of a maid to should be included in the list. hahaha Pleased to advise that the process is underwayy.. hehehe

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