Sunday, November 2, 2008

Turning 3!

My little niece, Momoi turns 3 today.. Yeayyy.. Happy birthday little girl.. (not that she reads this! LOL)

Its finally sunday *yeay* however i am not enjoying it as much as next week is another busy and tough week at work.. Our chairman will be visiting our humble office and then a budget challenge somewhere in the middle of the week.. If only i can get the people responsible for certain areas of the budget to submit their numbers to me and SOON so i can start to work on finalising it. *Sigh* I need to stop thinking about work in order for me to enjoy my weekend.. hehe

Its been 2 weeks since we went back to Anjai's place and when Anjai spoke to MIL last night (while i was at a work function) she was saying batah sudah inda balik.. Hopefully next weekend we will be free to go back home..

Enjoy what's left of your weekend peeps! Cos tomorrow is another beginning of a long week (well for me anyways..)

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