Thursday, November 20, 2008

Santa came in early..

Someone texted me after work and decided to drop by our place early this evening and they came bearing.. apa nah? DURIAN UTAK UDANG!! I finally got to eat the spiky fruit and i have to say.. it was SUPERB!! NYAMAN!!!  And who are the mysterious Santas? Miah, Erwan and Abu Dzar! Thank you guys for making my dream a reality (apakan? AF kah?) but i can't thank you enough for buying it for me and baby.. Thank you...

I had my monthly anti-natal clinic appointment yesterday.. It was all routine check ups.. alhamdulilah all ok.. All these durian eating has increased my weight significantly.. i hope now that i have fed my thirst, weight will increase at a slower pace. hehe Was told yet again to pace myself.. *sigh*

Happy Birthday to E14 aka Emiloo.. Have a good one this year and the year ahead.. how many weeks to the nikah? Two? One? Jgn nervous ah and make sure u say the right name! Good luck! hehehe

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