(i have a feeling this is going to be a long one..)
My birthday celebration kicked off on Thursday, 20th August 2009 at 8.20am! My colleagues bought me and another colleague (who's birthday falls on August 22nd) cakes.
Here is the cake that my colleagues got for me.
Apparently my assistant was the one who planned the whole thing and she had to go on another colleague's FB to steal this photo.. (I really appreciate the efforts!) I really love the cake! And yes, I actually saved the sugar paper! LOL Jadinya kami kan mkn muka kami and muka Dia.. hahaha
Yours truly and Hjh Fadila at the pantry.. Since we had 2 cakes we had hers in the morning and mine in the afternoon...
Then it was time to go to lunch and as I walked in the car, this is what i saw waiting for me..

The husband snuck this bouquet of white lilies and red roses + a card in my car while i was working away in the office.
Thank you again Husband.. I was pleasantly surprised...
Lunch was organised by Mr Fakhrin and we had it at Charcoal. Also in attendance was Mas, Carol and Eddy.. And I had my second birthday cake.. haha
Strawberry shortcake, one of my favorites.
Taken using Krin's iPhone
Mas & Carol. Now u can tell that Cal is really enjoying her cake hehe
The evening of 20th August 2009
Anjai wanted to take Dia & I to our first family dinner to celebrate my birthday so i said ok..
Daddy & Dia approaching Excapade restuarant. First time Dia ni kemari hehehe
And as i walked into the room, which i might add I found very odd since Anjai told me it was just the three of us, I was greeted with the 'Happy Birthday' song and flashes of people's Camera. Turns out the Husband, TC and Shopaholic (whoever initiated it, i still don't know haha) planned a surprise get together. And boy was I surprised.
This is my surprised look (must be ones of the decent looking ones. Photo is stolen from here)
My third birthday cake and it wasn't even on my actual birthday LOL
TC & Izam
Shopaholic & Gamerholic
Nadia trying to sip Daddy's Mint Lemon Tea
Matching bracelets..Thanks Bie!! Oh i got the other two thiers! hehehe
All of us and to quote Shopaholic, Alhamdulilah, all of us are now happily married. Syukur
The actual Birth-Day, 21st August 2009.
The day started with a trip to Giant to purchase food for Dinner.
We saw this fancy trolley where there is a bassinet kah tu? oh well u know what i mean.. haha
Dia enjoying her Shopping trip
And in the evening, as usual we had our usual BBQ-ed food for dinner and a cake.
My fourth birthday cake
Blowing the candles.. there is 3 candles but that does not mean i am 30! haha baru 27 ni aah (yes i admit, i am 27 of age! *looks over to Shopaholic & TC*)The curly one taking a bite of the cake! haha
So I had a busy two days and apa nya Anjai, the day before my birthday was more meriah than my actual birth-day. Its more subdued today. So i take this opportunity to thank everyone.
Thank you for your greetings on FB, sms-es, calls, msgs on my tag board.
Thank you to Fakhrin, Carol, Mas, Eddy for organising the surprise birthday lunch and those lovely vouchers! hehehe
Thank you to My colleagues for giving me the cake.. I really really LOVE it!
Thank you to TC, Izam, Shopaholic & Gamerholic for organising the surprise Dinner, the cake and the gifts (matching charm bracelet from Bibie and a Guess watch from TC). Thank you very very much.
And last but not in anyway least, Thank you to Anjai, my husband for organizing everything.. Thank you for the flowers, the cake(s) and bbqing dinner tonite. Thank you for being a loving and great husband and thank you for everything. Having you in my life is a gift in its own way.. Thank you for being you and loving me the way that you do.
Thanks everyone!
And selamat berpuasa and hope you have a great ramadhan ahead of you
from Anjai, Nadia & I