Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dia has developed some funny habits, Like how she refused to sleep at night if the main light is still switched on. She will only sleep if the room is semi dark.

She also likes to be taken outside for a stroll early in the morning after she just woke up and afternoons after her bath. On one occasion my Dad took her out on the stroller and he said that Dia is so belabih cos she put her foot up in the stroller! LOL

Another habit that she has developed is that she screaming and shouting as and when she pleases! She screams when we put her clothes on, when she is having her meals and also when she wants to be taken outside for a walk. HAH! I know that people say that she inherited my voice but this is abit excessive! Besides I don't scream and shout as and when I please! (har har) I think she just discovered her voice and is enjoying how people react to her screams! Well it sure panics Mummy a little bit (if not a lot)! hahaha oh another funny thing is that whenwe sat down talk while we wait for sungkai diam ia, then as soon as we all started eating, she starts to scream tia! haha

Oh she is now 100% proficient in terms on rolling over to her tummy and rolling back on her back! *wihieee* Pandai sudah ia reposition her hands and it was the first day of puasa when we saw her roll over to her back. It sure made my hunger fade away, for a few minutes that is! and it was funny how she did it balik-balik as if she was trying to show to us that she can do it.

A quick and big THANK YOU to the Husband for the Birthday gift! I Love it!!! Thank you thank you thank you *tee hee*

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