Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 months celebrations

Here are some pictures taken during the celebration last night..

Decided to go different this time and order Carrot cupcakes with Cheese toppings

Everyone helped Dia blow her candles away.. hehehe

Dia and her cake.

Kaka Caca, Kaka Adik, Mummy, Dia, Abd Ejan and Kaka Momoi

Nadia got scared. Mana inda, all her Kakas were screaming happily

Love this photo for the two naughty and noisy girls!

Was talking to a fellow BF mother and we both have concerns on milk production during the fasting month. So we both went away and did a stock check, she has around 100 bottles of 3oz each!!! WOW! I was soo inspired!! I on the other hand have around 250oz in storage. I also started to increase pumping from 2 tiems a day to 3 times a day and count how many I produce each day. Bukan pulang naik, kurang pulang my production.!! Stress kaliii hahaha So I guess I should just relax and let it flow.. kekeke

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