Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy 5 Months Nur Imaan Nadia

Dear Dia,

You are 5 months old today sayang and I know I say this every month but you have grown up so much. Looking at the 4th month milestone, you have achieved all except for number 8. I don't think i have felt any tooth like stubs on either your upper or lower gums. Although you have been biting lots.

One of your biggest achievements so far is rolling over and scooting to the front. You seem to like your new found ability so much that you do it the moment you wake up, rolling over to your stomach that is.. So Mummy have been placing lots of pillow around you especially if you are on our bed. For the past two nights you even rolled over in your sleep and remained sleeping on your stomach. Mummy was worried at first and told your Daddy but we guess this is part of you growing up.

Mummy have changed your diet from rice cereal and now rice porridge. I do hope you chattering away during your meal means that you are enjoying it and not the other way around. And you also have upgraded from eating your meal on your bouncing chair and now on your high chair.

For the first time you and I slept without your Daddy this month. Did you miss your Daddy as much as I did? hehe You also met Mummy's best friend, Aunty Tracey and Uncle Ezam. How did you like them? Sakit aunty TC cubit Dia? Don't worry sayang, ia cubit bukan ia inda suka Dia tu, she likes you, geram hati saja ia liat Dia bah.. hehe Nanti lagi we jalan sama Aunty Tracey and Aunty Bibie ah.

It will be Ramadhan in a couple of days time and it means that Mummy and Daddy will be fasting. Mummy's biggest worry is whether my milk will be enough for you or not. So if you drink from the bottle more, please understand ok..

Ok Mummy better get back to work now. I love you. Wipe your tears, Mummy will be home soon enough. In the meantime, play with Daddy cos he is on leave. hehe Once again, Mummy Loves you very very much and be good now.


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