Wednesday, August 12, 2009

rolling over

Dia is now 95% proficient in terms of rolling over. 5% atu pasal sometimes she forgets where to place her hand before rolling over hence one of her hand/arm is stucked underneat her body. I think she likes her new found ability that sometimes she wakes up and roll over immediately! now this can get dangerous so have told the maid to be extra careful. hehe

This was taken after one of her early evening naps. She rolled over and after a couple of minutes and holding her head steady, she rested like this! hehe

The duration of her holding her head up steadily is also longer now compared to before.. hehehe

She is also begining to able to lift her bum up and push herself forward. First time I saw her do this I was super happy and that was when the husband was not around so I couldn't share the lilttle news with anyone. I must have looked like a fool smiling and grinning. *tee hee*

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