Monday, August 31, 2009

Fun filled weekend..

My weekend started at 11.30am on Friday and I kicked it off with a Tudong Shopping Spreee! hahaha Although I didn't top Shopaholic's spree of 12 tudongs, I bought merely 8.. Well what do u expect, she is a Shopaholic. We headed to the Gerai in Tutong in the afternoon and had Sungkai at home.

Nadia pretending to drive

Then Saturday morning, I did my usual clean up around the room and Anjai decided to put Dia in one of my storage boxes!
Look at how happy she is playing with her Daddy..

We had a sungkai outing at Rizqun with Anjai's friends, without Nadia and I have to say food was fantastic! *will update with pics later, once i steal it from FB tee hee*

We decided to go over to anjai's place on sunday since we didn't go last weekend.. hehehe

Nadia & Alya: both aiming to grab the colorful table cloth and in Nadia's case, put it in her mouth!

Dia held by the maid and Alya held by her Mummy

Playing with thier Yadu

Its now the 10th day of Ramadhan and syukur I haven't missed any yet and alhamdulilah milk production maintains.. Mudahan it remains the same for the next 20 days.. Amin amin..

Nadia's sniffles is back although its not as bad as before and we still give her paracetamol although less frequently. mcm twice a say saja since its not as bad as before kan.. I hope she gets better soon..

She has been hvaing Chicken, bayam and carrots in her rice porridge for the past 2 weeks so today we are introducing meat and brocolli in her diet.. Lets see how she reacts to her new food.. hehehe

Oh quick shout out to the Husband! Welcome back to work my dear!!

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