Wednesday, February 3, 2010

my husband the artist

I just my lunch infront of my PC. Salmon Teriyaki Don and Fuji Roll special.. And now I am full and sleepy!! now how this? Hopefully i can stay up and finish drafting my letter and also tasks.. huhu

Alhamdulillah lately I have been able to reach my target of 9oz of EBM per day without much problems and have been breaking even.. I hope I am able to stay at this rate or better yet improve until Dia turns 2. Wishful thinking? But people say u aim high so that if u fall so don't fall far.

Other than the random post above, the reason why I logged in this blog is because i wanted to share what a great artist my husband is.. Below is an illustration of Nadia by him. It cracked me up when I saw it!!! hahahah

Kira ngam lah the picture, rambut sikit, gigi satu, mata bulat! Handal kan si husband.. LOL

Ok back to work.. BLAH!

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