It started on early morning of Thursday.. Nadia woke up making a huge fuss and we noticed that he sniffles is back. So we gave her paracetamol and then we checked her temperature and it was at 37.4. So i decided to place wet towel on her head. Then the next morning she woke up all cheerful and dandy with just a little sniffle.. So off Anjai & I went to work...
Anjai decided to pick me up from work that afternoon as I wanted him to accompany me here and there and when we got home we saw that Nadia was shirt-less and was only wearing a traditional halter-top we call 'utaw'. Then my maid reported that Nadia had a fever, running nose and Red blotches all over her body. She was very fussy and refused to be laid down.. So kesian my maid had to hold her pee in! She was also given paracetamol at 4pm. When we inspected her body, true enough there were red blotches, mcm Kuligata. Mum says that its ruam panas and also said that i use to have those when i was younger.. As it was already 5pm, we decided to wait itout and take her to the Hospital after iftar.
So right after iftar we went to the emergency in Tutong hospital and her temp was at 37.7 *yikes* Dr inspected her body and says that its a fungal infection. i was like whaaaaaat.. I told her that the red-ness only came after she had a fever and asked if it could be 'ruam panas' but she insisted that it is a fungal infection.. So we went away with Paracetamol, Saline drops and cream for the Fungal infection. Feeling not satisfied decided to have a second opinion and lucky enough E13 is at her parents house. She says that it is not a fungal infection tapi mcm bukan jua ruam panas as usually ruam panas damit2.. Soo.. We decided not to apply the cream given and wait it out till d next morning.
Nadia was uberr fussy that evening, refusing to be laid down and only wanting to sleep on me. I think I was alseep sitting down half of the night. hahaha Alhamdulilah at around 4am she finally went to sleep, lying down..
When we woke up i immediately checked her temp and it was at 37.3 and the red-ness was slowly going away. Alhamdulilah.. Texted the office and told them that i will not be coming to work.. Surprisingly, Nadia's appetite did not diminish through-out her rdeal. She kept on eating like normal, finishing her porridge and banana. The only thing diff is that when she feeds on me she will stop a couple of times. I think that is because of her running nose so it makes it hard for her to breathe. This part menduga kesabaran lah sikit pasal she will stop and cry and i would have to pujuk her then she feeds again.. Oh and with her running nose, marah ia if we wipe it away or when we suck her hingus.. Part ani pun menduga kesabaran sikit.. hahahaha
Alhamdulillah her temperature is down to 36.8 this morning and redness seems to disappaer already. She also slept very well last night, only to fuss when she wants some milk.. I hope she recovers fully and soon..
Oh Anjai says 'Kan tumbuh Gigi kali, iatah ia damam ani'. I have to say I panicked (awu ci and bi, masih lagi ku panic panic! haha) when my maid told me she had a fever then when Anjai said that, it calmed me down. Andang all babies will need to go through things like this so they can build up their anti-body to fight it off.. Wanting the baby not to ever fall sick is just ridiculous!
So to my little princess, Get well soon my love. Mummy and Daddy loves you very much!
(We took some pics but am too lazy to process it now.. nanti tah ah hehe)