Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eid Mubarak!

Ramadhan will end in a couple of hours time and i am looking forward to it!! I have to say I was a bit disappointed when i found out they didn't sight the moon.. In all honesty I am tired and I feel like my health is starting to decrease.. More headaches, sore throat, mild food poisoning etc.. But syukur alhamdulillah, I have fasted a full 30 days now.. hehehe

In terms of EBMs, i have remained constant throughout the whole month, breaking even.. Ada tah breakeven daripada I make a loss kan.. hehehe I look forward to 'making' again... hehehe Oh and I look forward to eating during the day again.. I have to say I miss my lunches! So to my lunch buddies.. gear up!! hahaha

So peeps, 

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.. 
Pray you forgive us for any wrong doings.. 
Lastly be safe on the road..

Anjai, Faith & Nadia

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