Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I use to love fireworks and firecrackers but now that I have Nadia, I sort of hate it! For a couple of nights now Nadia was past asleep then someone played firecrackers and woke Dia up. The first time I was next to her so I was able to soothe her back to sleep. Last night I was doing stuff in the room and then *boom*! Dia woke up and I had to quickly jump over the sofa and on to our bed to soothe her.. Baik jua inda nangis.. When I told my brothers not to buy and play any firecrackers he said 'Kami tah inda main, org lain? Besides its a celebration and you can't stop others'. What he said was 100% true, as I use to be one of those people.. *sigh*

How's your Hari Raya preparation so far? Ours has beeeen.. quiet! hahaha I have ordered some cakes and biscuits... Mother dear again have relinquished all organising duties to yours truly this year so I think I better start organising and assigning tasks to the brothers sooon..

In terms of clothes, I FINALLY dropped by at my tailor and alahmdulilah ada siap sudah haha mun nada siap paksa tah kami pakai baju tahun lapas tu, atu pun if I can fit in it! haha As for my little princess, we have been buying clothes for her before puasa, bit by bit and I think its a about time I stop. haha I just hope she can fit in them as I bought 6-9months sizes! LOL

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