Monday, September 21, 2009


.. is the number of posts that we have written (including this one) for the past year since we have created this blog.. This blog was initially created to update my bestfriend who then resides in Australia.. And now that she is back, I actually thought of closing it down.. Afterall it will be easier to updates her on whats-going-on and stuff.. 

After much deliberation I thought its better off if I keep it up.. This blog is like a diary to me now.. my thoughts, feelings and experiences.. (with occasional posts by the husband) especially with Nadia around.. And one day when Nadia is all grown up, I want her to read about her parents journey bringing her up..

Happy Anniversary blog! 
Happy 1 year!!!

Here are some photos takes on Dia the day she turned 6 months old..


Whaccu luking at

Oh hello..

You mau ikut me makan?

Caught red handed playing with her food container!

And then in the evening (Sungkai time), as usual our mini celebration.. hehe

My Dad grilled ribs!! *yumms*

Nadia's cake from Sheraton

Baked Cheese Cake

Nadia cutting her cake, assisted by Mummy

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