Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy half a year!

Dear Dia,

Happy 6 months my darling daughter.. you are half way to turning 1 year old! We just finished cutting your cake and its funny how your Kaka Caca made a comment about how you don't even eat your own cakes.. hah Sabar sayang.. Soon enough you will be able to blow your own candle and eat it your cakes okay..

You have been having fever on and off for the past week, last night being the worst where your temp was at 38.8.. It was your second visit to the emergency in tutong hospital and Dr says that its just normal fever and she gave you some antibiotics to eat.. You also had your first Urut this noon by your Makwa.. You didn't like any bit of it! You screamed and shouted at your makwa.. Makwa said that there is no angin watsoever, its just demam 'pemandai'.. means that she thinks you will develop something soon.. And one of the things that people think that you will develop is your first tooth!! Aunty Ebih says that too hence why your fever comes and goes and come back again.. She says that fever will only go away after you cut your first tooth.. I pray to god to speed up the process...

Oh Congratulations to us both my sayang.. we have reached our 1st goal of Full Breastmilk for 6 months.. Lets work to reach our second goal of 1 year k.. hehehe

Oh Hari raya will fall on Monday so we have another day of fasting.. A full month of Puasa. I hope you enjoy the sungkai moments cos we sure love having you there.. And we still find it funny how you insist of eating whatever we are eating,, We will go visiting to friends and family this year, i hope you don't throw a big fuss.. hehehe You also have received your first green packet and its not even raya yet.. hahaha

Are you ready to sit and play in your walker sayang? We'll do that tomorrow kay.. For now, eat your meds and get well soon.. Mummy & Daddy loves you my little princess..


P.S Sorry this is a short one, you are now playing with your Daddy and I have a feeling you will want to be fed soon hehehe

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