Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Since last Friday Dia has been Poo-ing more than normal. The texture of her stool is soft and sometimes watery. When I asked the maid she says that Dia is eating and drinking well, on some occasions like yesterday she drank 5 bottles of EBM which is 2 bottles more. She is active as usual, playing and crawling here and there.

My mum, MIL and others says 'kan meringankan badan nya tu' or 'ada pemandai baru nya tu'.

A quick check on the world wide web, it says that many reasons lead to diarrhea and we should call or go see a Dr if she shows signs of dehydration, vomiting, has a fever and has blood or pus in her stool. Dia has none of those but i am still worried.

Then I read this line in one of the website 'In some infants, teething can cause diarrhea, and diarrhea can be a first sign of teething'. Her tooth has not made any appearance yet so maybe this could be it! HAHA

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