so far.. and its not even her first birthday, YET! haha I have said this before, I know we are spoiling her silly! I guess now that is turning one we'll put the monthly cake to a stop.. (unless we want eat some.. I am sure that is a good enough excuse to buy a whole cake right? hehe)
For the past few days I have been reminiscing on what I was doing one year ago today.. I had terrible back ache and was very eager to hold Dia in my arms..
Life for Anjai and I has certainly changed a lot since we had Dia.. But what we have 'Gained' is certainly more than what we have 'Lost'.. Change is inevitable, its up to us to accept it or otherwise... Both Anjai and I have embraced the change in our life and with Dia, I found passion and a greater appreciation of LIFE..
Here is a collection of pictures taken during the last 19th of each month for the past 1 year..
Dia minutes after she was born..
At One month she already showed everyone what she can do with her eyebrows.. (inherited from her Mummy?? LOL)
At Two months she was drooling over the pink cake (has a sweet tooth like her mum??)
At Three months, she showed curiousity on her 'cake'
At Four months she didn't like it when I force her to do things
At Five months, she showed she was the boss!
At Six months, we taught her how to cut her cake
At Seven months, her Daddy turned 33..
At Eight months, she was surprised to see cakes in cartoon shapes
At Nine months, Dia was listening to everyone sing the birthday song..
At Ten months, she posed for the camera
At Eleven months, her Daddy tried to teach her how to blow her own cake! hehe
So at 12 months... We shall see what she does tomorrow.. hehehe
Oh a quick birthday shout out to my SIL, Zaimah.. She turns a year older todayy.. Happy Birthday Mai From Eyen, Dia and I.. Hope you enjoy the cake and the mini-surprise *tee hee*