Speaking of expressing I have been getting some-what low production lately and yesterday at noon (I think) I found out why.. Because I have been Bfing my Dia, some hormones are suppressed which resulted in my not having any periods.. Now that its been one year I think my hormones are back to normal and yes after 1 year I am having my 'monthly'! The cramps and backaches is back! *yikes* Funny story.. I went to the shop to get the necessary and I was just standing there for about 5 mins trying to figure out which one!!! LOL
Anyways hopefully once my 'monthly' is over my production will go back to normal and I can make up for the losses.. Here is a site in case any other Mommies out there want to find out more.. http://www.breastfeed-essentials.com/menstruation.html
Oh I also found another book that I thought was interesting tadi.. Its a recipe book for the little ones.. I also almost bought that one however I think I will need to check with the hubs whether we are ready to explore other food options for Dia. We are a bit traditional on that part, sticking to only rice porridge..