The Dr sent us away with Antibiotics for redness in her throat and an advise that we should continue with our paracetamol regime. So we did and by 5pm that afternoon still did not subside and we were getting worried. Anjai decided we should take Dia to A&E Tutong.
Told the Dr we were very worried about her temp and requested for a rectal paracetamol to be given and they did. So we went home and continued on with the Antibiotics, Paracetamol and constant sponging. By the next morning her temp still did not subside staying above 38c at all times! So we decided to take her to the A&E again.
When the Dr asked me what was wrong I told him about the temperature. His reaction was a smile on his face and then he said 'You should not be worried about the temperature'. I could feel my blood biol and I felt like smacking his balding head! How could he say that to a worried mom? We have heard stories about babies who had very high fever and it lead to a disablement.. How can i not be worried?? Id*ot! We again requested for rectal paracetamol and refused admission.
He temp subsided by 10am so we were very happy however at 7pm that night it came back! Arghhh.. We continued on with the meds and sponging throughout the whole night. When i went to work her temp was at 37.8 and at 11 my SIL reported that her temp was 36.7.. I hope it stays low.. huhu
And how are the parents u ask? Very sleepy and very tired.. In the midst of sponging last night I fell asleep and spilled some water on my phones huhu and now one of them is a bit wonkyyy! huhuI spent an hour trying to fix it and when I thought it was fixed I went back to sleep then rupanya inda jua baik.. huhu Aku puasaaa bah.. I cannot buy a new phonee.. huhuhu *frustration*
He temp subsided by 10am so we were very happy however at 7pm that night it came back! Arghhh.. We continued on with the meds and sponging throughout the whole night. When i went to work her temp was at 37.8 and at 11 my SIL reported that her temp was 36.7.. I hope it stays low.. huhu
And how are the parents u ask? Very sleepy and very tired.. In the midst of sponging last night I fell asleep and spilled some water on my phones huhu and now one of them is a bit wonkyyy! huhuI spent an hour trying to fix it and when I thought it was fixed I went back to sleep then rupanya inda jua baik.. huhu Aku puasaaa bah.. I cannot buy a new phonee.. huhuhu *frustration*
Speaking of walking, Dia currently refuses to walk on her own and insists that we hold her hand. We don't know why she is suddenly scared of walking on her own but many suspect maybe she had a fall.. I pray that Dia will get over her fear..
Quick Birthday shout out to Muhamad Darwish Adlan! Happy first birthday awisshh.. We'll see you tomorrow night Insyallah and prepare to be tickled.. hehehehe Kisses from Uncle Jai, Babu BB and Dia!!
Quick Birthday shout out to Muhamad Darwish Adlan! Happy first birthday awisshh.. We'll see you tomorrow night Insyallah and prepare to be tickled.. hehehehe Kisses from Uncle Jai, Babu BB and Dia!!
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