Tuesday, March 23, 2010

12th cake

Morning peeps! how are you all this fine Tuesday morning? Me es sleeepyy cause hubs was not around (and will not be around for the next couple of days due to work commitment *boo hoo*) hence it was harder for me to fall asleep.. huhu

Here are some photos of Dia's mini-celebration held on the day she turned ONE! hehe

Her mini cake!

Singing the birthday song

We let her practice cutting her cake on her own.. hehe

and then her daddy let her lick some cream off the knife! *tsk tsk tsk*

Alhamdulillah Dia is now one and Friday was a happy happy day for me. I know this may sound ridiculous but when she turned one i felt like we overcame a big hurdle and we have made it! haha So to my dear husband, Congratulations! I look forward to going through this journey with you for many many MANY years to come.. hehehe

It was also a good day for me because with Dia turning one it means that I have achieved my mid-term goal of exclusively breastfeeding my darling daughter for a year! Syukur Alhamdulillah.. In all honesty I didn't ever think I would get this far especially when my BM only arrived 3 days after Dia was born.. so Horrayy to me and my Bs~ LOL I look forward to continuously BFing my Dia for the next year unless of course.. (I leave it to your imagination.. haha)

On Sat we took Dia for her appointment at the Clinic. There the nurse said something that's stuck to me.. She was saying that Dia's underweight and 'sepatutnya full BFing for the first 6 months then should be mixed to increase her weight'.. It left me speechless for a couple of minutes then i shrugged it off. It is our (Anjai and I) choice to BF her cause research shows that BF has a lot of benefits.. If it means that my baby will be smaller then other babies then be it!

So we asked the kind nurse re ways to increase her weight and according to her now that Dia is already one, we can give multi-vitamins.. We have started to give her Appeton multi-vitamins so hopefully it works and she will start to build up! hehehe

Dia strolling with her Daddy at the clinic

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